Congratulation on being chosen as a speaker for StormCon 2022!
Full Name | Company | Job Title | More Info |
Justin Bell | WSP USA Inc. | Senior Lead Water Resources Engineer | |
Kristine Mosuela E.I.T. | Wood PLC | Water Resources Engineer | |
Kevin Brandhorst | Washington State Department of Transportation | Transportation Planning Specialist 3 | |
Christopher Gustafson | Washington State Department of Transportation | Transportation Planning Specialist 3 | |
Alexander Reed | Washington County Division of Environmental Management | Watershed Specialist | |
Adam Boeche | Village of Mundelein | Director of Public Works and Engineering | |
Ahmed Rachid El-Khattabi Ph.D. | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water | ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow | |
Steven Dodd | U.S. Department of State | Civil Engineer | |
Joseph William | The Brookings Institution | Fellow | |
Stefano Biondi | SWI group Srl | President | |
Dawn Nall | SW EFC | Research Engineer | |
Anthony Mayer | Sustainablu LLC | Operating Partner | |
Heather Himmelberger | Southwest Environmental Finance Center | Director | |
Greg Cannito | Rainplan | Strategic Advisor | |
Michael Burke | Quest2 Consulting | President | |
Angela Alsobrooks | Prince George's County | County Executive | |
Houston Brown | Pennoni Consultants | Structural Design PM | |
Chris Foley | P4 Infrastructure, Inc. | President | |
Jay Holtz PE | Oldcastle Infrastructure | Director of Water Quality Technology | |
Brad Parks | Olaunu | Vice President |