Using Polyacrylamide (PAM) to Achieve MS4 and TMDL Compliance
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM
Brian Free

Flocculants such as anionic polyacrylamides (PAMs) are used to enhance existing and traditional BMPs when they are unable to meet discharge and regulatory requirements for sediment, metals and nutrient concentrations in stormwater runoff. This presentation will discuss anionic type polymer-based treatment systems that are safely and effectively used in construction, development and stormwater treatment systems. These PAM treatment systems include active, semi-active, as well as passive treatment set ups that have shown >90% turbidity reductions. Proper selection, application, usage, maintenance and troubleshooting of these systems will be discussed and illustrated. Treatment of a stormwater pond in Marquette, Michigan, that utilized an active, portable, pipe flocculant system will be highlighted as an example. This presentation will highlight the adaptability and effectiveness of PAM treatment systems and participants will gain applicable knowledge of PAM log treatment systems and how they may be applied for specific water quality problems.

Location Name
Crystal 1-2
Full Address
Grand Sierra Resort & Casino
2500 E 2nd St
Reno, NV 89595
United States