In this presentation, speakers will describe an empirical model developed to assist in making mitigation response decisions at a tide gate control for a community in Fairfax County, Virginia. Speakers will illustrate the application of the model to a recent event. The county’s New Alexandria tide gate, built in 1994, is on an unnamed tidal creek in the Belle Haven watershed, draining to the Potomac River. The tide gate protects the 44-acre drainage area it serves from high tides and tidal surges from downstream up to about 7.5 feet. With increasingly high upstream water levels, there was a need to obtain estimates of upstream levels for forecasted high tide and rainfall conditions to make timely decisions on the deployment of mobile pumps at the tide gate. The empirical model described here is being utilized in the interim to guide deployment of mobile pumps. Speakers will present examples of how the model is used from recent storm events where the rainfall coincided with high tide.
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United States