RFP Budgets to Completion A WAG?
Date & Time
Thursday, August 29, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM

This will be a presentation focusing on how costs can escalate on a project between the RFP phase of bidding and project completion. This presentation will outline the following items to serve as a thought experiment for future LRPs, contractors and Inspectors and SWPPP writers: Understanding what impacts scheduling delays can have on compliance with SWPPP; permitting delays, record rains, and supply chain issues; conflict resolution of permit compliance language and real site conditions (safety conditions and sampling opportunities); real-world compliance expenses over the project’s completion cycles; contractor discussion of financials of time and money spent in BMP installation, repairs and meetings, and more.
Location Name
Crystal 3-4
Full Address
Grand Sierra Resort & Casino
2500 E 2nd St
Reno, NV 89595
United States
2500 E 2nd St
Reno, NV 89595
United States