Urban Forestry, Thriving Trees in Urban Stormwater Systems
Date & Time
Thursday, August 29, 2024, 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Jason Bailey

Urban tree canopies allow us to interact with nature, which develops a broader interest in wildlife and conservation, while providing us health benefits. From reducing temperatures, noise and stormwater runoff, to improving air quality and mental health, trees provide many benefits to humans. But as with any ecosystem, trees need a hospitable place to take root. This session will focus on how tree roots’ function and how we have long forgotten about the needs of those roots. The audience will be introduced to a study conducted on tree health under soil-different conditions. Armed with an understanding of the benefits of highly vegetated communities, coupled with an appreciation for the evolution of tree cells, attendees will learn about combining tree survivability and stormwater management. Through a technical discussion, the presentation will look at what trees need to survive. Firstly, we will discuss what makes for rich, well-composed soil, look at ways to introduce air and water to the soil, and look at design concepts, as well as real world projects. These examples will highlight the capabilities of trees in urban environments.

Location Name
Carson 1-2
Full Address
Grand Sierra Resort & Casino
2500 E 2nd St
Reno, NV 89595
United States